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PsDotNet Library Licenses

Personal, Micro, Small, Medium, Large licenses are available. A Source Code license version is also available upon request.

  • Personal licenses are not valid for commercial work.
  • Micro, Small, Medium, and Large licenses are valid for commercial work. You only need a single license for a single organization.
  • You can use the Library in as many applications as you need.
PsDotNet Listener 1.0 Licenses

Personal, Micro, Small, Medium, Large licenses are available.

  • Personal licenses are not valid for commercial work.
  • Micro, Small, Medium, and Large licenses are valid for commercial work. You need a license per user.

Demo versions

Included in the .zip file you downloaded is a Demo .lic file that can be used temporarily until you receive your individual one via email. If you choose to use the Demo license you will need to re-license with your individual one once you receive it. Be aware that the Demo license has some features disabled.

Authorizing PsDotNet Library

Each machine that will run an application that uses PsDotNet Library will need to authorized. There are several ways to license PsDotNet Library for use depending on how you will use it.

Local only usage

If you are going to be using it locally and not deploying an application for others to use, the easiest way is to use the enclosed PsDotNet.Licensing.exe, browse to the PsDotNet_Library_###.lic file location and select it and click OK. You should see a “success” message if successfully registered. This only has to be done once. You can also use the methods described below.

Deployed applications

There are two methods to initialize the licensing via code to make deployed applications easier. Both of these methods do NOT require the user to do anything.

The first method is to insert the license key you received via email from directly into code at the beginning of your application startup like below.

Please note: This will be a VERY long string. I have truncated it below. This is NOT the GUID-like license you received from Gumroad.

It will look something like this(right-click and open in a new tab to see a larger image):

The second method is similar but would require an additional step of including the .lic file alongside you application and providing a file path to the RegisterLicense method. Something like the following:

Authorizing PsDotNet Listener

PsDotNet Library needs to be authorized to use the Listener.

Currently the only way to license the Listener is to use the PsDotNet.Licensing.exe and browse to your PsDotNet_Listener_###.lic file location and select it and click OK. You should see a “success” message if successfully registered. This only has to be done once.